- Funny how one can learn To grow numb to the madness And block it away I left the worst unsaid Let it all dissipate And I try to forget -
Monday, April 30, 2007
- Top TEN Biggest DIVA -
Getting the star treatment isn't as easy as it sounds if these ten spoiled celebs are any indication. The only thing worse than their towering expectations is knowing that there are people out there willing to meet them.
10. Linda Evangelista
St. Catherine's rose earned her diva badge in 1990 with the famous Vogue quote, "We have this expression, Christy [Turlington] and I: We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day." It's been dubbed the "Let them eat cake" of the 20th century and though Linda's apologized, living it down isn't gonna happen. Though she's proven that she is capable of shirking her sheets for - gasp! - nothing! - having leant her famous face to M.A.C's Viva Glam campaign to fight AIDS, the fantasy of being too beautiful to work is too good to ruin.
9. Marcia Cross
Blame the red bathing suit for fueling the early fued rumours on the set of Desperate Housewives. Teri Hatcher snatched the flattering swimwear at a Vanity Fair photoshoot, even though a rep for ABC had insisted the Lois and Clark star not choose her outfit first. But it was when Teri wound up in the centre of a photo that Marcia diva-ed the eff out, storming off the set and leaving Teri crying into her cellphone. Children in Africa sent their sympathies.
8. Star Jones
The former View host shamelessly name-checked sponsors of her wedding live on the chatfest, simultaneously churning stomachs and grabbing ratings. The garish affair found Star wearing a 27 foot, crystal studded veil that required an army of seven to carry it and ended with goodie bags for the guests stuffed with everything from jewels to Nintendo games. It was like the Super Sweet 16 of weddings.
7. Kanye West
This guy's music is ok. He's no Charo, but he's ok. So when he says he's the "greatest", it's outrageous, but confidence is cool as long as its not too annoying. However, the line into too annoying was definitly lept over at the 2006 MTV Europe Music Award when he lost the Best Video award and took to the stage anyway, just to bitch. Judi Dench, take note. The Oscars could use this kind of attitude.
6. Naomi Campbell
The assaults, all seven of them, are bad enough, but her persecution of Tyra Banks is inexcusable. Tyra told gay magazine Instinct that an unnamed model "tormented" her throughout her career, once telling her backstage that, "You're not sh-t and I'm going to kick your ass." Was Naomi the heinous one? Well, Tyra did interview Naomi about the years of catwalk cruelty the tempermental one inflicted on her.
5. Diana Ross
Apprarently the long-lasting singer's precious feet will only touch carpet backstage at her concerts, but now that she's playing the casino circuit she's probably had to ammend that request. One legendary tale describes Diana ordering the words "Sheena Easton appearing in two weeks" be stricken from a sign announcing the ex-Supremes's show. She also tans while wearing cucumbers on her eyes, which is how we imagine retirement.
4. Jennifer Lopez
She always looks so sweet, but too many people have said that Jennifer Lopez is horrendous to work with. One source who worked with her in the recording studio said her list of demands included light bulbs of a specific wattage, positioned just so, and fresh baked Cuban bread pulled right from the oven. So if a J.Lo: Buns perfume comes out, you'll know why.
3. Elizabeth Taylor
In case the fortune in jewels didn't already tip you off that this legendary actress likes to pour on the diva-ttude, try working with her. Dominick Dune wrote in Vanity Fair about working with her on the film Ash Wednesday. "She walked onto the set three hours late, with a hundred extras waiting in evening clothes and Henry Fonda fuming off to the side," he wrote. Did Liz get a stern talking to? Nope. It was business as usual, since everyone was too scared of the legendary Liz to say boo about it.
2. Barbra Streisand
When you have your film sets designed to highlight the left side of your face, you might be a diva. When the famous singer appeared on The Rosie O'Donnell Show in the '90s, much to Rosie's hyperventilations, the set was flipped so that the buttery chanteuse would be filmed from her left side. That's probably the dealbreaker for why she never did Maxim.
1. Mariah Carey
The divamaniac may be improving her attitude. After all, she did fly coach to the set of her indie film Tenessee. On the other hand, she did make sure the stench of commoners didn't ruin the flight by booking out the entire section. When performing in Toronto, she put the entire show on hold when she spotted a hole in the stage she decsribed as the size of a high-heel point. But nothing can compare to the welcome wagon she demanded upon arriving at an English hotel: red carpet and white candles. Though it was 2 in the morning, Mariah wouldn't leave her limo until the arrangements had been made. J.Lo's Cuban bread is sounding pretty good right about now.
- Mariah Carey Archives
Thursday, April 26, 2007
- Sentosa Pics -
Monday, April 23, 2007
- Daniel Radcliffe -

Alan Strang (Daniel Radcliffe) seems a normal, obedient 17-year old with a passion for horses. Then one night he blinds six horses with a hoof pick. What drove him to it? His life seems routine, his family loving, his pursuits harmless and yet he has been placed under psychiatric surveillance - an unresponsive patient who is woken each night by terrible nightmares. Only psychiatrist Martin Dysart (Richard Griffiths) seems able to grasp the answer to this psychological puzzle.
Richard Griffiths, whose incredible stage and screen career spans two decades and who this year won a Tony Award for his performance in the Broadway production of The History Boys, stars alongside Daniel Radcliffe, best known for playing Harry Potter in all four of the feature films based on J.K Rowling’s best-selling books.
This brand new production of Peter Shaffer’s Tony Award-winning play, directed by Thea Sharrock and designed by John Napier, demonstrates that this ground-breaking play is as relevant and shocking as it was when it was first performed over 30 years ago.
Friday, April 20, 2007
- Had a bad day -
It's my day off today and I'm down with diarrhoea and a bad case of vomit......Must been those pizzas that i ate last night with a friend of mine...hope she doesn't suffer the same fate as i am..... Think i have a weak stomach and it's sucks....feeling trashy the whole day....
On top of all this there's a happy note that keeps me alive....hahaha.....My passport is done and I've collected yesterday morning supposedly i have to collect on Tues but been busy with work.... Right now I'm super super SUPER excited about my trip to KRABI......woohooooo..!!!
Oh and i can't wait for tomorrow for sentosa trip....hahaha.....happening siak...!!! There will be picture taking and I'll definitely post some here....look out for that.....uh-huh.....
Before i end this, i like to say that i am proud of one of my bestfriend for coming out strong.... You got balls and definitely guts.......tsunami siak.....hahaha....We shall see the outcome.....
Cheers sister...
☆ Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Lil' L.O.V.E. ☆
It's official Y'all..!!!!
This is my current favourite hip-hop number...
Love the beat and smooth collaboration and the groove that wanna make you move your body.....oh yeah....
A Lil L.O.V.E for everyone i know...
Especially Y.O.U...!!!
Enjoy y'all....Huggs
Friday, April 13, 2007
John Legend featuring Mariah Carey
My all-time favourite duet...
An amazing performance...
Soft and vibrant yet so strong...beautiful...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
- Fabulous -

Friday, April 6, 2007
- Gipsy do the talking -
Thanks girls....i've learned a lot from the conversations we had... ;>
Reez - Ladies Night indeed....a feast for the eyes....hahaha
Glad i brought my friend along......we had fun....
Met Zaid's Indonesian friend.....cute and tall....and a little bit shy...
I think i scared him a bit la with my questions....hehehe...
Shy at first but slowly opening up....Had my first-lunch-outside usually i just buy something and have my lunch in the shop office.... when you have company time flies very fast.... oh, He's studying English lesson and he's class is at Raffles city so I'll be seeing more of him...hehe.. oh boy..
By the way...
Happy Good Friday cum Easter Egg Day.....
Hope you guys enjoy the holiday today cause I'm sure am...it's my off day...yippy..!!
Finally having a good rest, i think...
Counting down to Krabi trip.....yay..!!
Happy moments...
This Saturday....How..?
Nak gie main..??
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
- Me and my mouth -
Quote from the paper - According to reports by Associated Press, " Members of Singapore's relay Team pointed at the 'DSQ' (disqualified) listed next to the Unite States on a television monitor and smiled."
The swimmers say it was all a misunderstanding. Zach, one of the swimmer and the cute one said he smiled " in shock " when the decision was flashed on the scoreboard....hmmm..what do you think..??
I couldn't help it but chuckled....think i laugh out loud siak...anyways....
My meeting starts late as usual and the agenda is being held hostage by my 2 managers....hahaha....none of us knew what's the meeting about....actually we know but pretended we know nothing....all Oscar winning actors and actresses......but of course I'm the queen....haha....
One of the agenda is that they're planning to have a 3 days 2 nite chalet cum barbecue. The idea is to build a better rapport between all the staffs, just like Barney I love you, You love me theme and stabbing each other backs.......hahaha.......what a faker....trash tau... Gave my opinion la...not into all this because of the time and transport money we gonna waste going back and forth going to work and to the chalet and honestly do people really want to stay overnite and talk cock...?? I don't think so... I'm being honest and being myself and simply couldn't shut my trap have to give suggestion... To held a once a month dinner or whatever programme for all staff at the same time celebrate whoever birthday for the month. To show some appreciations to all the permanent staffs as well as Part timers....Bodek la sikit...you know...
First they declined stating that they're too busy with all the things that are in planning for Godiva, as you know i cannot shut up, so i said, what's the use of full timers if you don't delegate tasks or give them something to do..?? Apparently most of us are shaking legs and I'm not sure if some of them shake something else la...you know...At least we have some responsibility to perform.... SO because of my BIG mouth, I'm now the Chairman for that monthly function....trash tau....
I can do it.....I'm now choosing who to include in my small committee.... Must choose those who are Hip, Hot and Happening....
See ya....Muacks..
- I don't want to sleep alone -
Went to the Gala Premiere - jangan marah eh...thanks to my best friend- at Lido and I'm utterly disappointed....first and foremost...NO SEX scene at all in the more than an hour movie not that I'm looking forward to that...yeah right... at least stimulate us a bit la and i brought some Godiva chocolates to enhance the situation but in the end we just have to feast our eyes with the cute guys around us....aigh...lucky it's free...if not, I'll be the first one to scream...hahaha...Thou Norman's cute....am i right Reez..?? The last R(A) movie that I've watch titled LIE WITH ME was 1ox better and it's worth watching....and compare to this movie, I'd rather watch Charlie Chaplin. The similarity is that both have limited dialogue and loads of background music...But rest assure that my IQ has not drop a single point after watching the picture....
I guess the whole story line is simple...longing, wanting, craving, seeking and searching....The director make it simple and sometime confusing cause there's limited dialogue and they don't have to interpret their feelings much cause the background music is mostly doing the talking...
I' m letting the whole idea dissolve and digest slowly.....
I have lots of things to say but that's in another post.... :)
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Who's the bigger Diva..??
Welcome to the Pop Arcade, your source for fair and balanced pop-culture news. I am your host, Chemarryn Thornton, keeping it on and popping.
The greatest grudge of all
Far be it from me to question the musical knowledge of Clive Davis, but I'm beginning to wonder if the mogul is growing senile in his old age. Hollywood.TV quotes the chairman and CEO of BMG North America as saying "the best singers in the world are Aretha [Franklin] and [Whitney] Houston," in a discussion comparing mega divas Whitney and Mariah Carey. "That's not to knock Carey. Carey is a friend of mine, but I think Mariah would even say those two are the best." I don't think there's any doubt Mariah would concede to Aretha, but Whitney? Those two are the Prince and Michael Jackson of divadom. Neither one would ever admit to being any less of an entertainer than the other. The day Mariah Carey says Whitney Houston is the better singer is the day Nicole Richie sits down and enjoys a full three-course meal. So Clive, don't go to Mariah for your diva comparisons - come to me. That's right, you lucked out, my friend. Right here and now, your friendly neighborhood columnist will put the two super egos to the test in a battle to determine once and for all which diva's star shines brightest.
Better album:
For Mariah, this would have to be 1990's "Mariah Carey", headlined by her best song to date, "Vision of Love". You'd have to go back to that exact same year to find Whitney's best album, "I'm Your Baby Tonight", headlined by "Miracle". It's a tough call, but I have to give the better album to Whitney.
Hotter woman:
Whatever ground Mariah may have lost in the previous comparison, she more than makes up for in this all-important category. Mimi has consistently been hotter than Whitney at every stage of their careers. Better husband: It's hard to do any worse than the crack-smoking, child support-dodging antics of Bobby Brown, but Mariah managed to do so with the overly possessive former head of Sony Music Entertainment, Tommy Mottola. Besides, Mottola didn't make "Don't Be Cruel".
Better actress:
Sure, "The Bodyguard" and "Waiting to Exhale" are decent enough films, but Whitney didn't bring half the hilarity Mariah did when she graced us with "Glitter". I'm laughing just thinking about it. That's the sign of a quality movie.
So you see Mr. Davis, the two seem to stand about even when you break everything down. Thanks are not necessary, I'll just assume the check's in the mail.
(Pensacola News Journal - thanks to David Briggs)