It's my off day today and Grace sms me to come down to VivoCity for the review of my appraisal.
The reviews are good, actually better than i expected...gitu eh...
They laid out their plans for me and I'm gonna be Store-in-Charge for Marina Square this coming October.
I was a little reluctant to accept the offer and it really shows on my beautiful face...hee... It's obvious that she knew how I feel about Marina Square and the shop situation cause I gave her my own personal views about the shop. She assured me that they gonna expand by having a real shop there despite that the management at Marina Square just offered them a permanent kiosk - meaning there will be a roof over the shop.
I have yet to give my answer....
- Funny how one can learn To grow numb to the madness And block it away I left the worst unsaid Let it all dissipate And I try to forget -
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
@ Double O @
These are 2 of my colleagues, Linda and Lucas. The plan was to go in a big group and as an active fate, yeah right.. my manager Susan was down with flu and Yana's aka Outing Group IC - son was sick as well so she didn't make it, as for my cousin....hmm...last minute cancellation.
Despite all that we 3 manage to enjoy ourselves tremendously and for the first time I was drunk not tipsy people...DRUNK....!
It was my first time going to Double O alone as drag-usually with my other sisters- Surprisingly it took me an hour to dress up in the office with Lucas who by the way are such a big critic, teaching and pointing out his opinion on my make-up.... Almost chase him out of the office...hee...
Its been months since we went to Double O and i must say the place are getting better and the crowds are mostly Caucasians, 75% of them..!! I guessed it had to do with the Hungry Ghost festival, most Chinese scared to go out late at night during this time...hee... By the way no others drags can be found that night, guess I'm the one and only gorgeous being there...Gitu eh...

Ah lovely.....This is George, manager of Double O, Razy and Keri, I'm sure you guys remember him, though he did put on a little weight. I saw him at the entrance and said hi, surprisingly he remembered me and ask where have i kan...someone remembers me...Oh, The bouncers too....we've chatted and they asked where are the rest....gitu eh...

Linda and Moi.... Cantik tak..??

Despite all that we 3 manage to enjoy ourselves tremendously and for the first time I was drunk not tipsy people...DRUNK....!
It was my first time going to Double O alone as drag-usually with my other sisters- Surprisingly it took me an hour to dress up in the office with Lucas who by the way are such a big critic, teaching and pointing out his opinion on my make-up.... Almost chase him out of the office...hee...
Its been months since we went to Double O and i must say the place are getting better and the crowds are mostly Caucasians, 75% of them..!! I guessed it had to do with the Hungry Ghost festival, most Chinese scared to go out late at night during this time...hee... By the way no others drags can be found that night, guess I'm the one and only gorgeous being there...Gitu eh...
Ah lovely.....This is George, manager of Double O, Razy and Keri, I'm sure you guys remember him, though he did put on a little weight. I saw him at the entrance and said hi, surprisingly he remembered me and ask where have i kan...someone remembers me...Oh, The bouncers too....we've chatted and they asked where are the rest....gitu eh...
Linda and Moi.... Cantik tak..??
Lucas and his itchy hand..... But of course my sotong hands also doing some Overtime last night, grabbing and caressing guys who walk pass me....and even chatted with some Ang moh guys, there's one called me " Hey Beautiful..!! ".. Sexy kan...!!! But damn..! never get the chance to snap some pics cause Lucas is holding my camera..
They both a little drunk especially Linda and goodness, just like Lucas said, when she's drunk, she's ugly...hahaha....very uncouth...gitu eh...Lucky for me there's Lucas to help her out and accompany her while i collect ours bags if not she'll be lying on the floor the moment we let our guards down.... terrible tau this old lady...hahaha..

I had loads of fun and I barfed my guts out from the moment i stepped out from my cab...hahaha....
Hilang tatasusila keperempuanan aku tau.....
And Oh....did i mention that a CAUCASIAN GUY bought me a drink..?? :-D
Because i'm cantik kan.... hee
Huggs ya'll...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
@ Hush Hush @
Well, Still waiting for the answer whether I'm gonna be Store-in-charge of Marina Square or not.
The meeting's end but they're quiet about it..
Anyways, I'm not putting my hopes up high. It's a semi-happy news anyhow. Not that eager but excited to know...gitu eh...
I'm going to Double O tonight with some of my working colleagues, hopefully it's gonna be fun. Did i forget to mention I'll be going in drag?
But of course I'll post the pictures here.....hee...
Cheers ya'll...
The meeting's end but they're quiet about it..
Anyways, I'm not putting my hopes up high. It's a semi-happy news anyhow. Not that eager but excited to know...gitu eh...
I'm going to Double O tonight with some of my working colleagues, hopefully it's gonna be fun. Did i forget to mention I'll be going in drag?
But of course I'll post the pictures here.....hee...
Cheers ya'll...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
@ Indonesia film festival takes gay issues out of closet @
By Adhityani Arga and Sugita Katyal Sun Aug 26, 12:27 AM ET
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's gay film festival faced violent opposition in its early years.
Members of a hardline Islamic group tried to storm theatres to stop screenings, but as the festival enters its sixth year, organizer John Badalu has no such fears.
The opening of the week-long Q! Film Festival (QFF) on Friday drew a flamboyant crowd in Jakarta, with members of the audience dressed in colorful wigs, fish-net stockings and cupid wings.
Homosexuality is not banned under Indonesian law, but remains taboo in a country where 85 percent of the 220 million people are Muslim.
"The festival has provided some sort of impetus for the gay rights movement in Indonesia, and has enabled many issues to surface," Badalu told Reuters.
The fall of former president Suharto in 1998 paved the way for greater freedom of speech, allowing topics such as politics and homosexuality to be more openly explored in the arts.
"Arisan," a 2003 feature film about a routine get-together of upper-class Indonesian women, was the first Indonesian film with a gay theme, dealing with a woman in a troubled marriage who is attracted to a young gay executive.
"People have not shied from showing homosexuality in Indonesian cinema," said Badalu. "It has been well-received so far. Many straight movies have also touched on the delicate issue of homosexuality, without many realizing it."
QFF, one of the largest gay film festivals in Asia, features about 80 films from countries including the Philippines, Thailand, Germany and Indonesia, and deals with topics such as sexual abuse and HIV/AIDS.
Indonesia, which has a small but growing film industry, steps off the beaten path of pop romances with a rare documentary on "sacred transvestites," or gay priests, in a closely knit community on Sulawesi island.
In a country where many homosexuals remain in the closet, the festival takes a sensitive look at the problems faced by an often marginalized community through films such as Hong Kong film-maker Wong Kar Wai's "Happy Together," which chronicles the slow deterioration of a gay relationship.
Other international films that try to create awareness and break some myths about homosexuals include Oscar-winning director Pedro Almodovar's cult film "Bad Education," the story of a novice Spanish actor trying to sell a screenplay on his alleged childhood sexual abuse by a pedophile priest.
"What I like about the QFF is that it is a subtle movement," said Firliana Purwanti, program officer for human rights and gender at HIVOS, a Dutch agency that helped fund the festival.
"The community, by using the language of movies and keeping such a fluid structure, has enabled the rapid spread of gay rights."
This year's festival was almost pulled -- not because of opposition from Muslim hardliners but for lack of funding.
"The festival was on the brink of extinction," said Badalu. He fired off e-mails seeking financing to everyone in his address book, some of which were posted on blogs.
"A gas station worker from the Midwest sent me a long letter, describing how he, a simple working-class guy, sympathized with the festival's mission. At first I thought the letter was a joke, it was so long. But then at the bottom of the letter he said he had donated $100."
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's gay film festival faced violent opposition in its early years.
Members of a hardline Islamic group tried to storm theatres to stop screenings, but as the festival enters its sixth year, organizer John Badalu has no such fears.
The opening of the week-long Q! Film Festival (QFF) on Friday drew a flamboyant crowd in Jakarta, with members of the audience dressed in colorful wigs, fish-net stockings and cupid wings.
Homosexuality is not banned under Indonesian law, but remains taboo in a country where 85 percent of the 220 million people are Muslim.
"The festival has provided some sort of impetus for the gay rights movement in Indonesia, and has enabled many issues to surface," Badalu told Reuters.
The fall of former president Suharto in 1998 paved the way for greater freedom of speech, allowing topics such as politics and homosexuality to be more openly explored in the arts.
"Arisan," a 2003 feature film about a routine get-together of upper-class Indonesian women, was the first Indonesian film with a gay theme, dealing with a woman in a troubled marriage who is attracted to a young gay executive.
"People have not shied from showing homosexuality in Indonesian cinema," said Badalu. "It has been well-received so far. Many straight movies have also touched on the delicate issue of homosexuality, without many realizing it."
QFF, one of the largest gay film festivals in Asia, features about 80 films from countries including the Philippines, Thailand, Germany and Indonesia, and deals with topics such as sexual abuse and HIV/AIDS.
Indonesia, which has a small but growing film industry, steps off the beaten path of pop romances with a rare documentary on "sacred transvestites," or gay priests, in a closely knit community on Sulawesi island.
In a country where many homosexuals remain in the closet, the festival takes a sensitive look at the problems faced by an often marginalized community through films such as Hong Kong film-maker Wong Kar Wai's "Happy Together," which chronicles the slow deterioration of a gay relationship.
Other international films that try to create awareness and break some myths about homosexuals include Oscar-winning director Pedro Almodovar's cult film "Bad Education," the story of a novice Spanish actor trying to sell a screenplay on his alleged childhood sexual abuse by a pedophile priest.
"What I like about the QFF is that it is a subtle movement," said Firliana Purwanti, program officer for human rights and gender at HIVOS, a Dutch agency that helped fund the festival.
"The community, by using the language of movies and keeping such a fluid structure, has enabled the rapid spread of gay rights."
This year's festival was almost pulled -- not because of opposition from Muslim hardliners but for lack of funding.
"The festival was on the brink of extinction," said Badalu. He fired off e-mails seeking financing to everyone in his address book, some of which were posted on blogs.
"A gas station worker from the Midwest sent me a long letter, describing how he, a simple working-class guy, sympathized with the festival's mission. At first I thought the letter was a joke, it was so long. But then at the bottom of the letter he said he had donated $100."
Friday, August 24, 2007
@ Mystery Shopper = Passed !! @
I didn't know that my name was submitted to HongKong Office for our monthly Mystery Shopper test. I was told by Harry and Shan Hui but was't really taking note of it. And I'm at my District Manager who did not tell me the information herself instead she let others pass the news to me.
I mean she came to my store a few times last month and did not even mention the Mystery shopper scheme to me. She told the rest before me on our monthly meeting and even give them pointers on how to score plus to keep an extra look out for customer who ask loads of questions. She doesn't like me is it..?? Be professional la... Irritating right..??
In the end only a few passed the test.
My shield and weapon are already loaded should i fail the test and she come barging at me demanding my reasons for failing, I'll definitely fire back at her with my beautiful and colourful vocabulary. And you can take that to the bank...Gitu eh... hee..
Alas! I passed the test, 81.9% out of 100% during the Peak period.
Below are my reviews :
( Should be She not He.... hahaha )
Q1. The salesperson said, “Hi, Madam, good afternoon!”
Q2. He did not ask anything to find out my needs and preferences.
Q3. After I told him that I prefer dark chocolates, he recommended a range of dark chocolates to me.
Q4. He recommended the seasonal chocolates to me.
Q5. He said that the praline in the first two rows cost $22 and the truffles in the bowls cost $26. There are around 6-8 pieces depending on the size.
Q6. He mentioned the VIP programme to me.
Q7. He said, “Thank you and see you again.”
Q9. The display is neat and tidy. The floor area is clean.
Q10. He is able to explain the differences between pralines and truffles using laymen’s language which made it easy to understand.
Q11. Once I have mentioned to him that I prefer dark chocolates, he gave good recommendations and is able to describe the taste of his recommendations.
Q12. Although he is not proactive in finding out my preferences, he is customer-oriented as he offered me a sample of the seasonal chocolates when I appeared hesitant in trying a new range.
Shan Hui on the other hand failed badly, the lowest of the lot. 26.5% out of 100% during Non-Peak period which are the most easiest time to score high marks.
Below are Shan Hui's reviews :
Q1. The salesperson said ,”Hi”.
Q2. She was arranging chocolates and didn’t bother to look up or serve me.
Q3. She asked someone else to attend to me as she was busy with her work.
Q4. No, she didn’t bother to serve me and I didn’t get the chance to talk to her.
Q5. No, she didn’t serve me even though I waited very long.
Q6. We did not converse.
Q7. Yes, she gave the price and the number of pieces but when I requested for her to repeat, she talked loudly to me.
Q8. No, she didn’t bother to reinforce and confirm my purchase.
Q9. No, she just left the bag on the counter and turned away immediately.
Q10. The store was warm, messy with boxes lying around. There was no music and the shop is very small.
Q11. She ignored me mostly throughout the process of my purchase.
Q12. No, she didn’t even care about my needs.
Q13. The quality was lousy and almost irritating.
Q14. No, I will not go back again.
Q15. Her hair is very messy.
Oh well.... I passed and that's all i care...
And oh... Should one fail the test 3 times in the row, he/she will be terminated with immediate effect.
I mean she came to my store a few times last month and did not even mention the Mystery shopper scheme to me. She told the rest before me on our monthly meeting and even give them pointers on how to score plus to keep an extra look out for customer who ask loads of questions. She doesn't like me is it..?? Be professional la... Irritating right..??
In the end only a few passed the test.
My shield and weapon are already loaded should i fail the test and she come barging at me demanding my reasons for failing, I'll definitely fire back at her with my beautiful and colourful vocabulary. And you can take that to the bank...Gitu eh... hee..
Alas! I passed the test, 81.9% out of 100% during the Peak period.
Below are my reviews :
( Should be She not He.... hahaha )
Q1. The salesperson said, “Hi, Madam, good afternoon!”
Q2. He did not ask anything to find out my needs and preferences.
Q3. After I told him that I prefer dark chocolates, he recommended a range of dark chocolates to me.
Q4. He recommended the seasonal chocolates to me.
Q5. He said that the praline in the first two rows cost $22 and the truffles in the bowls cost $26. There are around 6-8 pieces depending on the size.
Q6. He mentioned the VIP programme to me.
Q7. He said, “Thank you and see you again.”
Q9. The display is neat and tidy. The floor area is clean.
Q10. He is able to explain the differences between pralines and truffles using laymen’s language which made it easy to understand.
Q11. Once I have mentioned to him that I prefer dark chocolates, he gave good recommendations and is able to describe the taste of his recommendations.
Q12. Although he is not proactive in finding out my preferences, he is customer-oriented as he offered me a sample of the seasonal chocolates when I appeared hesitant in trying a new range.
Shan Hui on the other hand failed badly, the lowest of the lot. 26.5% out of 100% during Non-Peak period which are the most easiest time to score high marks.
Below are Shan Hui's reviews :
Q1. The salesperson said ,”Hi”.
Q2. She was arranging chocolates and didn’t bother to look up or serve me.
Q3. She asked someone else to attend to me as she was busy with her work.
Q4. No, she didn’t bother to serve me and I didn’t get the chance to talk to her.
Q5. No, she didn’t serve me even though I waited very long.
Q6. We did not converse.
Q7. Yes, she gave the price and the number of pieces but when I requested for her to repeat, she talked loudly to me.
Q8. No, she didn’t bother to reinforce and confirm my purchase.
Q9. No, she just left the bag on the counter and turned away immediately.
Q10. The store was warm, messy with boxes lying around. There was no music and the shop is very small.
Q11. She ignored me mostly throughout the process of my purchase.
Q12. No, she didn’t even care about my needs.
Q13. The quality was lousy and almost irritating.
Q14. No, I will not go back again.
Q15. Her hair is very messy.
Oh well.... I passed and that's all i care...
And oh... Should one fail the test 3 times in the row, he/she will be terminated with immediate effect.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
@ Just The Four Of Us @
Date : 13082007
Time : 1100 hrs till 2100 hrs
Place : Sentosa
Place : Sentosa
A day spent at the beach with few of my close friends after a crazy night at PowerHouse.
Almost didn't make it cause the night when i got back from clubbing i suffered my usual ailment of diarrhea.... Dun know what happened, perhaps i had one too many drinks... but that could be the reason...anyhoo.... we wind down and had a great swim and loads of opening up.
Congrats to Bobiana for her up hill battle and for getting a beautiful ring....gitu eh...
And not forgetting a brother....ops...." fiancee "........hahaha...
@ Power of Pink at PowerHouse @
Date : 12082007

Time : 22oo hrs till morn.
Place : Powerhouse at St James.
We went to Powerhouse after a long long break from clubbing. It's been more than a month since we had so much fun and this time it's fun-ner....
I don't know why but it seems that the colour Pink was our theme for that night and boy it was Pink Power at Powerhouse .
Saturday, August 11, 2007
@ News at 3 @
My manager Susan called and asked me to drop by Takashimaya before ending my shift at 4pm. She wants to talk to me about something....
Date : 11 August 2007
Time : 1515 hrs
I left my shop early at 3pm cause I had to do some stock transfer to Takashimaya as well. 3 big bags of chocolates and few medium size luxury boxes .Anyways in my mind and heart keep wondering what the hell she wants to talk about cause she never sounded so serious on the phone especially talking to me.
She was on the phone when I reached and asked me to wait for a moment . While waiting, i chatted with Yana, another senior sales associate and introduced myself to a new staff who wears an ugly hair cut. It seems that his hairstylist is kinda confused in cutting his hair, the hairstyle is infused of Japanese style and Ah-beng cut.....Odd and funny looking...for me.... In other words, he's not that cute la....
Anywho..... Susan's done with her call and asked Yana to take a break which is kinda weird cause she's just started her afternoon shift. She left us 3 to smoke i guess....
Susan turned and spoke to me in a serious tone that make me think that i had made some grave mistake or something.
" I might transfer you to Marina Square..." I squirmed the moment i heard MS even before she finishes her sentence..... She rolled her eyes......
" As an S.I.C aka Store In Charge.... "
The squeamish expression gone instantly..... Truthfully, i don't know whether to be happy or sad and confused. I mean i am grateful to have given this opportunity and trust to be the store in charge and as Uncle Ben said," With big powers comes big responsibilities."
She sent an email to Regional Manager Chris Choi last night and told me the news this afternoon. Wow...that was fast.... I didn't have the time to react but she gave me time to think it through and i definitely will.
I don't want to sound greedy here but MS is a kiosk and i rather be an SIC to a shop compare to a kiosk. Unlike Plaza Singapura, MS is a little big in scale and the location's sucks.... In the middle of Marina Square pathway and security wise is not that good .
We shall see the outcome, the decision will be made by Chris this coming 24 August. And if he agreed, I'll be transfer to Marina Square this October.....huhu.....
Feeling a little Reluctant .......
Date : 11 August 2007
Time : 1515 hrs
I left my shop early at 3pm cause I had to do some stock transfer to Takashimaya as well. 3 big bags of chocolates and few medium size luxury boxes .Anyways in my mind and heart keep wondering what the hell she wants to talk about cause she never sounded so serious on the phone especially talking to me.
She was on the phone when I reached and asked me to wait for a moment . While waiting, i chatted with Yana, another senior sales associate and introduced myself to a new staff who wears an ugly hair cut. It seems that his hairstylist is kinda confused in cutting his hair, the hairstyle is infused of Japanese style and Ah-beng cut.....Odd and funny looking...for me.... In other words, he's not that cute la....
Anywho..... Susan's done with her call and asked Yana to take a break which is kinda weird cause she's just started her afternoon shift. She left us 3 to smoke i guess....
Susan turned and spoke to me in a serious tone that make me think that i had made some grave mistake or something.
" I might transfer you to Marina Square..." I squirmed the moment i heard MS even before she finishes her sentence..... She rolled her eyes......
" As an S.I.C aka Store In Charge.... "
The squeamish expression gone instantly..... Truthfully, i don't know whether to be happy or sad and confused. I mean i am grateful to have given this opportunity and trust to be the store in charge and as Uncle Ben said," With big powers comes big responsibilities."
She sent an email to Regional Manager Chris Choi last night and told me the news this afternoon. Wow...that was fast.... I didn't have the time to react but she gave me time to think it through and i definitely will.
I don't want to sound greedy here but MS is a kiosk and i rather be an SIC to a shop compare to a kiosk. Unlike Plaza Singapura, MS is a little big in scale and the location's sucks.... In the middle of Marina Square pathway and security wise is not that good .
We shall see the outcome, the decision will be made by Chris this coming 24 August. And if he agreed, I'll be transfer to Marina Square this October.....huhu.....
Feeling a little Reluctant .......
Friday, August 10, 2007
@ Nothing surprises me anymore.... @
Another normal day at CityLink Mall........ I'm typing an elaborate moment that i had this bear with me.... :)
Date : 10 August 2007
Time : 1630 hrs
I was so happy for the past few weeks prior to the National day rehearsal and previews. My trips to the toilet was a breeze. No hogging of the cubicle and nothing unusual is expected to happen cause of all the policemen doing their rounds and standing at their designated post.
Alas, my happy trips to the toilet are dashed by several maniacs who seems to have very dirty hobby doing something explicit in the toilet.
As usual i was waiting for my turn to use the cubicle and as it turn out to be someone inside the cubicle that i was standing in front is somehow wasn't sitting on the toilet bowl, how do i know this... You see, at the door locking mechanism there's this little hole and with a very good eye you can see a little of activity inside... Usually those who are precautions of peeping tom which I AM NOT... will stuffed some tissue in the hole to prevent people who are waiting for their turn to "accidentally" see...
Now back to the person, he seems to be making a lot of movement and I'm sure those who do their business right couldn't have moved as much as he did.... eventually curiosity steps in and urge me to peep or shall i say to concentrate and focus my "lenses" to have a better view....Gitu eh......
Well, he was busying checking out the guy next door by looking under the partition....trash kan.... Anyways....a mature looking ang moh came in and walked pass me. He looked at me and smiled. Few seconds later an Indian man came in and again smiled at me. Being a courteous citizen that i am, i smiled back at both of them.
Few moments later the last cubicle door open and out goes the occupant, quickly i walk to the door enter and close, the moment i entered i managed to steal a glance at the Ang mog and the Indian man who position themselves next to each other. In a matter of seconds you could see loads and what i saw was that Ang moh was not peeing but stroking his dick standing a step away from the urinal with his eyes closed and his face full of expression. As you could have guessed, that Indian guy was observing him la.....Chee Ko Pek...right.... Aiyoh....
I continued to answer my little mother nature call and before i opened my door, i peeped once more through the small holes and to my surprise they 're still there..... I mean to urine shouldn't have taken that long right...? He was still stroking his dick with the same expression...and my oh my it is hard and big.....I must add.... I walked out of the cubicle and manage to steal a look and not a glance mind you and walk back to my shop.
Station here at CityLink have exposed me yet another hidden talent - Peeping.
Hopefully I won't have any tembel eyes..... Selisih...
Shocked...?? I don't think so...
Date : 10 August 2007
Time : 1630 hrs
I was so happy for the past few weeks prior to the National day rehearsal and previews. My trips to the toilet was a breeze. No hogging of the cubicle and nothing unusual is expected to happen cause of all the policemen doing their rounds and standing at their designated post.
Alas, my happy trips to the toilet are dashed by several maniacs who seems to have very dirty hobby doing something explicit in the toilet.
As usual i was waiting for my turn to use the cubicle and as it turn out to be someone inside the cubicle that i was standing in front is somehow wasn't sitting on the toilet bowl, how do i know this... You see, at the door locking mechanism there's this little hole and with a very good eye you can see a little of activity inside... Usually those who are precautions of peeping tom which I AM NOT... will stuffed some tissue in the hole to prevent people who are waiting for their turn to "accidentally" see...
Now back to the person, he seems to be making a lot of movement and I'm sure those who do their business right couldn't have moved as much as he did.... eventually curiosity steps in and urge me to peep or shall i say to concentrate and focus my "lenses" to have a better view....Gitu eh......
Well, he was busying checking out the guy next door by looking under the partition....trash kan.... Anyways....a mature looking ang moh came in and walked pass me. He looked at me and smiled. Few seconds later an Indian man came in and again smiled at me. Being a courteous citizen that i am, i smiled back at both of them.
Few moments later the last cubicle door open and out goes the occupant, quickly i walk to the door enter and close, the moment i entered i managed to steal a glance at the Ang mog and the Indian man who position themselves next to each other. In a matter of seconds you could see loads and what i saw was that Ang moh was not peeing but stroking his dick standing a step away from the urinal with his eyes closed and his face full of expression. As you could have guessed, that Indian guy was observing him la.....Chee Ko Pek...right.... Aiyoh....
I continued to answer my little mother nature call and before i opened my door, i peeped once more through the small holes and to my surprise they 're still there..... I mean to urine shouldn't have taken that long right...? He was still stroking his dick with the same expression...and my oh my it is hard and big.....I must add.... I walked out of the cubicle and manage to steal a look and not a glance mind you and walk back to my shop.
Station here at CityLink have exposed me yet another hidden talent - Peeping.
Hopefully I won't have any tembel eyes..... Selisih...
Shocked...?? I don't think so...
Monday, August 6, 2007
@ Indignation 2006 - TCP - Hossan Leong @
Talking Cock in Parliament, this was taken a year ago and i'm sure some of us went and laugh out loud. This event is held for the Gays and Lesbian Pride of Singaporeans.
Since Singapore is celebrating it's 42st Birthday this coming 9th August. Just posting this video to spice up the already exciting day. Hee...
Hope you guys enjoy as much as i do...
Majulah Singapura....very the patriotic eh....hahaha..
Saturday, August 4, 2007
@ Dinner Pics @
It's my first time meeting with Master Yin aka the guy in the blue t-shirt and not the butch. He's the Master Chocolate Connoisseur, he came down with a lady who's the Marketing manager in HongKong, she's doing a survey on Local markets which in my opinion much different compare to the one in HongKong and Taiwan. We met at VivoCity a day after the CaCao Show which was held there and he taught us the mastery of dipping and appreciation of chocolate.
After which we left for this retched dinner at Lavender Foodcourt which i had a bad case of diarrhoea a day after eating the food.....
I guessed this is what happened when you eat non-halal Seafood.....hahaha....What to do since your boss always go for dinner at Chinese "restaurant"...Sigh...They are the one in green - Susan (Manager) and the one in the light blue stripe shirt - Grace (District Manager)
And oh.....That diarrhoea had to come on my off day.... Oh was bleak.... I was in my bed and in the toilet all day long and my ass sore from the "beep"....... unless it was sore due to being fucked i don't mind but it was ....trashy..... I know some of my avid readers will read this rather explicit sentence but hey.... we have to be explicit sometimes.... hee....
Anyhoo - which is by the way another popular word of mine - I'm feeling better now....thanks...
Kiss kiss.....
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