Despite all that we 3 manage to enjoy ourselves tremendously and for the first time I was drunk not tipsy people...DRUNK....!
It was my first time going to Double O alone as drag-usually with my other sisters- Surprisingly it took me an hour to dress up in the office with Lucas who by the way are such a big critic, teaching and pointing out his opinion on my make-up.... Almost chase him out of the office...hee...
Its been months since we went to Double O and i must say the place are getting better and the crowds are mostly Caucasians, 75% of them..!! I guessed it had to do with the Hungry Ghost festival, most Chinese scared to go out late at night during this time...hee... By the way no others drags can be found that night, guess I'm the one and only gorgeous being there...Gitu eh...
Ah lovely.....This is George, manager of Double O, Razy and Keri, I'm sure you guys remember him, though he did put on a little weight. I saw him at the entrance and said hi, surprisingly he remembered me and ask where have i kan...someone remembers me...Oh, The bouncers too....we've chatted and they asked where are the rest....gitu eh...
Linda and Moi.... Cantik tak..??
Lucas and his itchy hand..... But of course my sotong hands also doing some Overtime last night, grabbing and caressing guys who walk pass me....and even chatted with some Ang moh guys, there's one called me " Hey Beautiful..!! ".. Sexy kan...!!! But damn..! never get the chance to snap some pics cause Lucas is holding my camera..
They both a little drunk especially Linda and goodness, just like Lucas said, when she's drunk, she's ugly...hahaha....very uncouth...gitu eh...Lucky for me there's Lucas to help her out and accompany her while i collect ours bags if not she'll be lying on the floor the moment we let our guards down.... terrible tau this old lady...hahaha..

I had loads of fun and I barfed my guts out from the moment i stepped out from my cab...hahaha....
Hilang tatasusila keperempuanan aku tau.....
And Oh....did i mention that a CAUCASIAN GUY bought me a drink..?? :-D
Because i'm cantik kan.... hee
Huggs ya'll...
OMG OMG...!! pretty as always :)
when im seein u alone i wish i was there somehow cos like... its always been us!
anyway u go gurl u did it on your own!
ian :)
I missed those days where there used to be us....
Next time we go together okay...??
Ask Mak Ayam sekali...hee....
Amboi sexy bangat kamu yah!!! Oohh.. beautiful sekali... lovely gerlfren.. been so long kan u hv not been in that "shoes" of yours..
Ape lagi next up gi Disco Dangdut nak? Try pakcik2 pulak confirm.. gitu eh..
Hey miss u gerl fren.. shall see u soon okie.. have asked Bob to arrange for dinner...
What..!! Disco Dangdut..???!!!
Sejak kapan aku pergi ke disco dangdut....gitu eh...hahaha..
Girl, i know you're in the malay organization now but to ask me to try pakcik pakcik at disco dangdut...oh..tidak sama sekali...haha...
Aku rela terjun bersama si luncai dengan labu-labunye....HAHA...
Miss you too... (,")
girl.... meletup kau....... amboi bukan main lagi eh mak ayam... well keri is right been a very long time and wished I was there too.. hahaha. anyway i know you had fun esp knowing you got drunk!!! hahaha.
You can say that again....
Loved to do it again but looking at your forever busy schedule, haig...i don't know when la hor...
Ah....the ever gorgeous Ms Kisya...even without having a chance to try on my wig...still with that bloody uncontactable bitch...gitu eh...jangan2 dia dah weave wig aku kat kepala dia agaknya...anyway will contact u soon regarding our simple get together outing with's been a long time ever since chalet kan...b4 ur schedule get even busier when u resume ur duty as SIC at MS
Aku pun rasa begitu agaknye girl...
Dia dah weave kat mana-mana yang patut tak..?? not only on her head...gitu eh... Bulu lebat sundel...hahaha...
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