It was Bob so called Malam Pelepasan ala Bangla's nite gitu....after her 2 weeks of no sex and pleasure Reservist Duty...Mak Ayam still a G.I Jane tau....Dun play play hor...hee..

We meet, catching up with the latest news as usual and explaining as to why I couldn't attend Adeline's Sis wedding next month... But upon hearing their plan to wear all white pretty much get me all excited...
Anyhoo....we went to Orchard and had some Old Chang Khee before settling down at NYDC for a drink.
Oh feels like I'm telling a story gitu....
After which we drop by to the Youth Park thanks to Reez suggestions... but did not take any pictures cause we're too tired from walking around.
These are some of the pictures we took and some of my best shoot...gitu eh...hahaha...
Feeling ala ala professional Photographer la...hee...
Where are the other photos that we took? me and andy lau and all?? mane mane mane??? gitu eh...
send to me okie.. anyhoo was an enjoyable nite.. something that we have not been doing for a very long time!!!!! Thanks to the diva photographer and her camera...
It definately was an enjoyable nite....
I had great fun, shall do this again.... Anyhoo...we shall take tons of pics this coming 18th...
Looking forward to that as well..
Ahh...the sun, the sand and the sea... not forgetting gorgeous hunks...hee...
aiyah...damn can't join ya all dis 18th for sentosa....but still i'm excited for ade's sis wedding....hope that char bor have selected the song for our item yah...I'll make sure it will be a memorable one....
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