What a boring day today has been.... I'm like idling the whole day at the same time worrying about Valentine's Day chocolates launch and how am I gonna do my visual merchandising....hmm...
Amid the boring day,
here's an interesting yet gross newsflash that I'd like to share, see the guy in the pic on the left - I know it's far but that's the best zoom my trusty Hp can produce - while I was busy idling and looking around, that guy walk forward to the stairs, lift up his school uniform as if he wanted to tuck them in but instead of tuckin them in, he put his hand in his boxers, scratched and "alter" his jewels right there in the middle of the shopping centre..!!
Picture of Marina Square at 3pm.... Literily a ghost town..... My neighbours - United Colours Of Bennetton and the middle kiosk - and I were practically talking loudly among ourselves...Wet market moments kata kan....hee..
Amid the boring day,
Shocking as it was, I find it rather unpleasant cause the next move surely gonna make you go eewww.... You've guessed it.... He sniffed his hand the moment he took it out of his pants and even looked at it !!! mampus kan.... OMG!! And while he was doing those moves a lady was walking pass him.... goodness..!
I thought I'm over with this kind of activity and those incident in CityLink was over and done with but Nooooooo.... MS like over the top...haha..
Yeah...I manage to snap his picture discreetly...hehehe... Hope he doesn't read this post or even know this post...
I thought I'm over with this kind of activity and those incident in CityLink was over and done with but Nooooooo.... MS like over the top...haha..
Yeah...I manage to snap his picture discreetly...hehehe... Hope he doesn't read this post or even know this post...
Anyways, I turn around feeling a little disgusted la...I don't know...shall I say with mixed feeling... The moment I turn around, I bust another one but this time it was a woman. A plump lady with her friend just step out of Miss SelfFridge. She's wearing khaki pants and polo shirt, reached down her crotch and pull her pants and underwear together to a better position while giving that satisfying look.
I guess she's having one of those Loose-Panty-That-Keep-Out-Of-Place Moment or My-Panty-Too-Tight-It-Hurts-My-Vagina Moment.
I quickly grab my eye-mo and wash my eyes....hahaha
Between those 2, I guessed the guy wins hands down. He receive full point the moment he smell his hands....
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