Oh God..!!
I'm sick and tired of all this Banglas and Mamas chasing after me on my way back.
This just happened again and it really took me by surprise.
Got off the train and on my way down the escalator when an Indian man appear from out of nowhere, cut the queue and heads up right in front of me. As you already know these guys are always in a hurry and I presume that he is until he keep on turn back and looking at me...
What the hell...!
This is like the Fifth time that Mamas chasing after me on my way to the bus stop. He keep his distance from me but at the same time keep looking back to see where I'm heading . I walked the long way to my bus stop and the moment I saw my bus I shift my gears and walk like I'm in a walking marathon...gitu eh... Board the bus and make my way to the second deck. Relieved.....I thought it was over then suddenly he appear from the stairs and land himself on the seat next to mine..!!!
Quickly I move my body facing the windows and totally ignoring him. You know sometime when you have this feeling that someone was watching you and you suddenly switch to Paris Hilton? I mean I quickly whipped out my hand phone and pretending I was calling someone, talking and praying at the same time that the bloody phone better not ring. You know like on all the magazine pics Paris' on with that pink phone stuck to her face. Pretending to talk to someone on the phone...
Finally,he got the point that I'm not interested and alight 2 stops later.... and man...that was scary cause there's no one on the second deck except us. I don't want to be rape..... in the bus.....??!
Rape me somewhere comfortable....please.....A 5 star hotel would be great...hee..
You know what.... I'm not a racist but can other races please step right up....
I'm waiting....
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