Thursday, February 28, 2008

@ Peek-Ka-Boo @

What an interesting day it has been..... I simply do not know where to begin...
I was feeling a little bit down for the last 2 days and suddenly things have turn around for the better... Not that I met a guy but I feel that the sun have somehow drove the cloudy sky away...
Well actually I met one of my friend whom I stop contacting for quite sometime and we had fun. A little too much fun to be exact. Hmmm..... All I can say was the meeting filled my cravings....haha..
At our usual place we meet and straight to our comfort zone and boy do I have a finger-licking-good moment. 2 hours of pure pleasure even though it's a little short but it's full filling...
The pleasure.... The juicy..erm... Oookkkaaay, Stop..!! I shall not give any details... For me to know for you to find out.... ; >
Anyhoo, we're on our way to the train and I accidentally looked at this cute Chinese guy's crotch and saw his erm.... family jewels??... Peeking out a little..catching some fresh air I presume....Yeap, his fly's open...people.!!..and he's doing a commando...Thank you very much..!! Hopefully Mak will not get any Tembel eyes. Choi..!! Choi..!! Choi..!!
Awkward.?..Yes...! Embarrassed.?..Yes....! Enjoyment... Hell Yeah..!!
I mean I just had one...Opps...and now I'm seeing another..??
Told my friend and he didn't say anything. Telling me to mind my own business when I told him that I want to inform that guy and prevent him from further embarrassment.
I collect my composure and walk slowly and calmly to the guy whose now looking at the train directory, leaning forward to his side and in my whisper-y and sexy voice :
" Erm..... Excuse me, I'm so sorry but I think your fly's open. "
I gracefully smile and turn around while giving him my ever so sexy glance. A little embarrassed, he quickly check his crotch and zipped up. Lucky for him, he didn't accidentally zip up as well, with doing commando and all....god knows what will happen when you're in a hurry... Ouch!.
So what's the moral of the story...?? Hhmmm... I simply do not know....
But I like it....


Reez said...

The moral of the story is that you had a good time and it managed to chase your blues away. Be it at your "comfort zone" or in the train. Happiness is something that you sow to reap and I guess you did just that.

Congratulation sister. You did manage to drive the cloud away...

Monarc said...


I sow to reap all right...!!..haha..

And I learned that from you thanks!!
