Venue : SDC - Singapore Discovery Centre
Time : 0830 hrs
Our second shoot for Razy's creations and we have to do it quickly cause there's extra ensemble and few new models joining us for this shoot.
Zarina, Aminah and Jonathan are the newbies and they're a blast to work with. Especially Jonathan la....hee... Such a flirt and charming...

While I was getting Jonathan ready for the first shoot, this Indian security guard came and ask what are we doing and have we got any permission to do the shoot. You see, we position our things near the Army Museum and they afraid that we're gonna do our shoot inside the Museum. Anyways I told him that we're doing an outdoor shoot for our own collections and do we really need to seek permission on public ground. Of course I had to say it nicely and gave him my sweetest smile ever...hee..
I told Razy and the rest about the matter. With quick respond, Akmal say out loud, " Don't worry, Kisha can handle anything that concern with Indian man."
Thanks eh......

The whole shoot went smoothly until the weather starts to change and things went wrong one by one... It was raining buckets I tell you..... Mak ayam running frantically literally like a chicken with the head... Akmal's batt went flat and I have to ask the Indian security guy for permission to use the power socket at the WaterCooler machine to charge the batt. He gave the thumps up.
" See.... Told ya... " Akmal shoots..
The rain finally subside and the rest of the shoot went on smoothly. I shall not elaborate the interesting things happened...Just let it be my own happy secrets...hahaha....

I've posted few pictures that we took, all categorize and hope you guys enjoy them.
Should you have any comments, please please PLEASE put it down... A constructive comment is much much appreciated...
You can check out my Multiply - Pinkyetlavender for the rest of the shoots.
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