Friday, September 12, 2008

@ Oh...My... @

It's 11.30 pm and my phone rings.... I look at the caller ID and something about the name on the screen shocked me. It's been a long long time and I thought that he had forgotten about me. My lips went dry and my voice suddenly turned husky...

Me : Hello....??
Him : Hi..!! It's me..! Remember me??

Me : (Clears my throat) Hey you..! How you been..? It's been a while...
Him : Yeah..It's been a while... Listen, You free.? NOW... to meet ??
Me : Meet..? Now.?..... Where..?
Him : Look out your kitchen window..

My heart pumped like a drug addict beating the drum , walked to the window, there he was standing at the carpark beside a blue van, waving and smiling at me...
The phone still stuck to my ears...

Him :
Me : Hhhheeeyyy...... Hey.... erm.... give me 5 minutes....

I quickly change and out the door down the stairs with my heart pumping harder, panting and hard to breathe.... I suddenly stop on the last step and hesitate for a moment... What am I thinking, rushing my way to him... He left without saying anything, no goodbyes, no call...
And then, suddenly out of nowhere there he was standing at the carpark.....waiting for me... ;>
My silence moment was cut off by his footsteps walking towards me.... stunned as I am think I didn't blink at all....

I'll never forget that smile..... He took my hands and hold them gently. We exchange Hi and he pull me closer and hugged me.... Goodness... A tight hug......

Him : How I missed you... You never change a bit...
Me : Thanks... (under my breath) Miss you too...
Him : Let's get out of here..... We got a lot to talk about.....

Off we go to his van and to our usual spot, the quiet west coast park........


Anonymous said...

WOW! looks like our diva is back on dating! :D

usual spot to practice? :P


Monarc said...

I love somewhere quiet you see...

Maybe I should bring you there for a practice or two... ;>

You'll definately loving it...haha

Anonymous said...

oh dear!
dont pollute my mind! LOL
you shall have the honor of having the place to urself and ur date. :)

how's dating and everything for u? :)

Monarc said...

It's not a date my dear...

Just an old friend from the past suddenly drop by and we just talk by the way...

Hook me up for a date la...hee..

Anonymous said...


im not your type, diva lol!!

you need something hunky and meaty :D

Reez said...

Hey darl,

I hope his presence will bring happiness to you. You should know lah when something of the past haunts us, we kinda taken aback, but for u, I am sure u have taken it well.


Monarc said...

Aloy - I don't need hunky or meaty men... Just the ones who can perform..haha thats more important... Lol..

Reez - His presence somewhat bring happiness but was taken aback..

Okay now,think I need to continue with the whole story in the next post...

Anonymous said...

omg ..mak ayam is back..... well whatever happens I pray for your happiness girlfren. Perhaps the coming Aidil fitri will be a start of new happy begginings.... with whom ever you are with....... I am happy for you gerl.....

Anonymous said...

mandrem working!! LOL!! boria ke nanti raya nie??? HeHeHe

Anonymous said...

oh dear I STAY IN LOVE KE? hehehe

one night only or more dear in any ways past or present be it jus be happy girl ok?


HOt chick ian ^^

Monarc said...

It's just ONE NIGHT ONLY sister...
Without the LOLO LALA....hee

Anywhoo..... Missed you always..