Wednesday, November 5, 2008

@ Fabulous Halloween @

My very first Halloween celebration....pathetic..I know...
Didn't wanna go at first cause I've been busy with work and things of that nature and Razy was offering to design and custom made my costume, the gorgeous Cleopatra ensemble....guessed it worked, the persuasion...hee....

Just the 3 of us - Ian, razy and Moi , Egypt theme. I'm the Cleopatra of course.... the plus-size that is... ;)

One of the Pussy Cat Dolls..??
Ian - He know what you did last Deepavali..... Ate all the Muruku ah..??

Met this guy...and his straight friend at the club....
Surprisingly, there's loads of couple at the club feels like not the usual Gay club I know...maybe it's just me...
As usual la.... you can check out the rest of the pics at my multiply or my facebook.


rUyUaN said...

omg~ my lady kisha.. u looked so HOT la!! lolx.. the drop-dead gorgeous cleopatra diva indeed! =)

Monarc said...

Thank you dahhhhling....


Anonymous said...

wah..femes kau...kat facebook terpampang gambar cleopatra kau? apa lagi..meh buat shoot pakai baju tu. lets!! asal tak pakai razy's kylie fringe?? hehehe

Reez said...

i miss u babe...