Monday, November 26, 2007

@ What An Idiot @

This is how I start my Monday after 2 days of rest...

All excited for Mariah Carey DVD out you already know... I went to HMV, frantically looking for it but no where to be found. So, I when up to the counter asking about the DVD and to my disappointment the DVD is delayed till end of this month.

Off I went straight to my store to do my morning Bank-in. Upon reaching, I open my cabinet to take out the deposit cash from the Safe and to my surprise, the knob just fell out of the socket..!! Pranjat kan... in the early morning I get this kind of surprise.. Of course I couldn't open up the damn safe even with the spare master key.

I called Sikin who has been working over the weekend to ask what happened and why wasn't I informed. I was fuming mad after our conversation.....

Apparently a new part-timer from Vivo named WeiXiang supposed to cover the evening shift for 2 days cause Sikin are doing the morning shift. Since he's new and not sure of the whole procedure, he change his shift with another Vivo staff name Charlotte and this was approved by their Assistant Store Manager Serena. He did this because he scared and unsure of looking after MS, making C work on Sat and would find out the work procedure from C. To my opinion, he doesn't want to do research about the shop he gonna cover before hand...siak kan.. Lazy ass bumb..!!

Apa lagi..Mak melinting la...I made a big hoohaa about the whole thing because of his stupid mistake, I have to walk to and fro to Carrefour to ask for assistant and make matter worse, Carrefour have the poor service ever known to mankind !!... You know how I hate feeling all hot and sticky..before start opening shop some more.. but of course another reason was that Mariah DVD delayed...gitu eh... In the end I opened my store at 1330... trash kan..!

I called WX and ask him why didn't he call me to inform about the situation then just leave a note on the Safe. He said Sikin told him to... Apa lagi Mak tanya Sikin and she mentioned to him to call me plus leave a note. He knew I was angry and I think he informed his ASM S about the situation.

ASM S called me, this is our conversation excerpt :-

ASM S : Hello Sayang, I want to apologise to you.
Me : Huh..?? About what..??
ASM S : About WX and his mistake...
Me : Ha..! I'm about to call you regarding that. Why wasn't I informed about the switch shift ???
ASM S : Oh..that one I approved the changes cause WX said he wasn't sure how to cover the evening shift at your side and thus ask C to cover and find out from her later for her opinion on how the shift is...
Me : Oh really....? He doesn't know there's a word called Research is it..? If you don't know about certain things you should find out yourself than making a genuine pig out of someone.??
I know he's new and unfamiliar about the work procedures but he can come to me in advance to learn right? I'm gladly to teach him. Before my day off, why don't he drop by and check MS out ?? It's not that I'm gonna chase him off...
ASM S : Oh..... I'm so sorry...

What..??!!!! That's all she can say...I'm so sorry..???!! didn't...

Me : And why wasn't I informed about the changes..??
ASM S : Silence.......
Me : You know what.....? I got customer, talked to you later.... CLICK!

That's what you got for making Pondan angry in the morning...


Reez said...

Sialan sekali kan.. good gerl.. i love that projection and commanding tone.. well u ought to cos its ur right to be angry. Bloody new guy.. screw him upside down gerl when u meet him...

Monarc said...

Memang sister..

Anjing sekali...and you know what..?? This WX is ASM S ex colleague from Swarovski, you know la all this people who bring ex colleagues in, mesti besar kepala punya... Well I manage to shrink his head down..gitu eh...

Make my temperature high aje in the early morning...

Razy said...

you poor thing... I think you just went through one of the worse days of the year for 2007.....