Thursday, May 22, 2008

@ White Wine = Lethal @

Bling Bling night it was...
Including nearly an hour long wait till we get in the club. The waiting have definately wore off my energy and by the time we got in, I'm a little tired and sweaty. Mind you it was a hot and humid night not forgetting standing in my 3 inch heels...

To cut the story short, I've never been so drunk in my life before and all thanks to Jeff who kept on ordering White Wine but I manage to carress and touch gorgeous bodies who happens to walk pass. I'm gonna kick the one who told me that the hangover for white wine wasn't as bad as shots. I'm like the infamous Merlion that night but manage to composed myself..hee... The hangover was worst than I imagined..

Sorry for the late post and pictures... Been busy la...

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