Saturday, March 1, 2008

@ The Leap Year News @

Ellen DeGeneres Discusses The Recent Tragic Death. This episode airs today on the 29 february 2008.

It's a tragic that this happened and it happened in our youth.

Hate doesn't do anyone good. Acceptance is the key to happiness..
It's a sad sad news to hear and I hope this will be a lesson learn for everyone of us.

God bless.

1 comment:

Reez said...

I watched the clip with so much empathy to the family of the boy. Like what Ellen said, everyone has the right to be what and who they are. There is no stopping if you are happy with who you are regardless of the tohmahan or the curse that people, often without realising, throw at you. We are all humans and God has been fair for all. It's up to us to decide how to run the life he has given us. Thank you for puttin up such a clip. It not only open our eyes on how skeptical some people are, but a shame that such human ever exist in the face of the earth. God bless to the family for the demise.